Message from the president and CEO

President and CEO Yoshio Inoue
President and CEO
Yoshio Inoue

Providing Smart Energy Supply Solutions

The global energy situation has changed completely and is at a turning point full of uncertainty. Most nations have made international commitments to achieving carbon neutrality and are devising strategies to promote investment. Green transformation (GX) initiatives to shift to green energy are inevitable and collectively considered a priority issue.

In this environment, companies also need to simultaneously strengthen competitiveness and achieve growth, and therefore are calling for solutions to a variety of issues.

Metal One Tubular primarily handles tubes used for energy development, production, transport and storage. We also coordinate with Metal One Group affiliates to provide stable supplies of energy-related steel materials and other products. To achieve a balance between reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the industrial competitiveness of our nation, we offer solutions for issues that include energy and digital transformation (EX and DX).

Always Performing beyond Expectations

We also seek to be the best partner for our clients, offering smart, effective solutions to the various issues they face in areas such as management, operations, funds procurement, investing, product planning and growth strategies.

We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.

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